Thursday, June 08, 2006

Toads go "Maaa"

The 2 days of rain mean that the spadefoot toads have emerged from underground and are mating. It sounds like a combination of the sound of a whoopie cushion and a lamb bleating.

I had a nice afternoon in Nogales, Son. with my sister-in-law and her daughter. I found a sweet Talavera platter for my sister and a killer silver necklace for me!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Wet stuff

Rain! Honest-to-goodness rain! And here June is usually our driest month. It has rained the last 2 afternoons and I am leaving the windows open because it smells so good.

We spent a lovely morning at the Desert Museum. We went early in the morning and were rewarded by seeing many of the animals that are usually hidden in the shady areas: wolves, mountain lions, javelina, bobcats, and box turtles. But the highlight was watching a baby hummingbird from 2 feet away as mama bird fed it nectar and fruitflies. The baby's head was smaller than my pinkie nail and the nest was about an in-and-a-half wide. It's just one of those things that you feel honored to see.

I also bought a squeaky toy in the shape of a chili pepper for Arrow and Rosie.